
Instagram Model | How To Become An Instagram Model

8th March 2022

Instagram Model | How To Become An Instagram Model
Georgia Carter

Georgia Carter

Are you asking the question, how to become an Instagram model and get paid? Then you have come to the right place as we will tell you all the info to help you get fame and fortune on the gram! Just follow these easy steps and you’ll be booking roles as fast as you can swipe up. 

What Are Instagram Models?

In short, Instagram models need to be influencers and have a considerable amount of Instagram followers. This will only consequential lead to more work with bigger and more reputable brands. Brands will use you in a marketing campaign once you have shown that you have a large fanbase and are the right fit for them commercially.  

Instagram models on social media can be models beforehand and or have been in the industry for a while. The common denominators though are that they are usually highly attractive people and have a large following on Instagram. 

how to become an instagram model

What Are The Next Steps In How To Become An Instagram Model?

Firstly, you need to really think about what type of Instagram model you want to be, what type of content you want to promote. So this can be health, fashion, travel etc. Once you have a clear vision of this, then you should start posting photos of yourself on your page. The more professional these posts look, then the more likes you will receive and the chance of a high-end brand viewing these posts or reels will be higher. 

Make sure that you keep fit and healthy, as any model would, as you may be asked to promote a brand at any moment and you need to be ready.

It is vital that you have that connection with your audience and if you know them well, they will like what you have chosen to promote. The relationship between you will align and you will get even more followers. 

Hashtags are essential so use them in a way to attract more followers, and even as you start out just posting photos on your page, the right person may see it due to the hashtags and of course the quality of your post. If you get these right, you are on to a winner!

How To Become An Instagram Male Model  

The way that a male and female model on Instagram make their mark is exactly the same really. Male models usually are ripped, and create a portfolio of photos on their page. One way agencies find new talent is to search through Instagram, so it is worth making an effort on your page and ensuring it looks as professional as possible. It has to stand out. Do you also have your own website or Youtube link in your bio that people can also see when on your page? 

You have to look at becoming an Instagram model like a business. 

Remember though that you have something different from everybody else, you are your own person and your personality is what brands are looking for nowadays. Enhance that and you will have brands messaging you constantly. 

male model

Once again hashtags are very important, so use something like #model or #modellife and also make it relevant to the post. For example, #travelmodel or #modelabroad  

A good piece of advice is to create 2 Instagram accounts; one for your personal profile and another for your career. This way, you can keep track of your business without anything getting lost in your family and friends’ posts about the last time you were out on the town.

For both male and female Instagram models, you may also want to post about your daily routine, that being your make-up or fitness regime, as people will definitely want to know everything you do and they will ultimately imitate this in their own lives. Following on from this, brands will find you and you will move to more international work and boost your career. If you have professional photos taken by a photographer, ensure you credit them when you post these online. 

To really become an Instagram model and make money, or want to know how to become an Instagram model for clothing brands you need to use every tool Instagram has to your advantage. Stories, posts, effects, filters and colours, the messages to your followers are all a representation of yourself, so make it visually interesting and worthy of thousands of likes. 

Famous Examples Of Instagram Models

  • Gigi Hadid
  • Kylie Jenner
  • Cara DeLevigne
  • Bella Hadid
  • Chrissy Teigen
  • Hailey Baldwin Beiber
  • Emily Ratajkwoski
  • Sommer Ray
  • Gisele Bundchen
  • Kendall Jenner
  • Alexis Ren

I would suggest following them on social media and see what they do. It will give you an idea of the sort of posts you can create and increase those followers to become an Instagram model

To be an Instagram model, you really need to interact with your audience and get to know them on a higher level. The better and more authentic the connection, the more traction you will get and the more people you can reach. Instagram models have the ability to make new connections based on the content they post. 

How To Become An Instagram Model And Get Paid

Well, by following all the tips above, you could be like Kylie Jenner who makes anything over a $1 million dollars a post, but you will be starting from scratch and it is important to remember that an Instagram model may make less than this. If you are purely in this for the money, you are likely to fail. You need to concentrate on promoting a different, versatile and unique profile, one that stands out and will potentially be seen by a mass audience, including agencies and brands. You can earn a thousand dollars promoting a local brand or product, but it is up to you. You really have to push for your own brand and be vocal as there is a lot of competition. The number of followers will affect the amount of pay, as well as the need for the promotion, and the quality of the post, reel etc. 


There you have it – how to become a model on Instagram. We have covered the basics here today, but as long as you are your own boss, think outside the box, keep fit and really get to know your audience, you will be on your way to having a very successful Instagram modelling career. Good luck!

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